*super effective herbicide
*kill weeds
*FAO standard or equivalent
Herbicide Ethametsulfuron-methy l 25% WP no vel sulfonylurea herbicide
super effective herbicide ethametsulfuron
Mode of Action
Affects sensitive weeds through inhibition of the enzyme acetolactate synthase (ALS). Inhibition of ALS leads to the rapid cessation of cell division and subsequent growth processes in plants. Post-emergence, selective herbicide acting primarily through foliar uptake with little or no soil activity.
Post-emergence control of wild mustard, hempnettle and other broad-leaved weeds in oilseed rape, at 15-20 g/ha.
The specification
Off-white to light yellow powder
Content of a.i.
Acidity(as H2 SO4 )
Fine powder
Content of a.i.
Wet sieve(75µm sieve)
≤2 %
Wetting time
≥85 %
Stability at 54±2 °C
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